I have a theory. The speed people walk (or run at) is inversely proportional to the probability they carry a water bottle. That is to say (in layperson’s terms), slower people are more likely to carry water.
The water bottle industry is big business since we were sold the lie some years back that we all needed at least eight glasses of water a day. What size glass was seldom pointed out. The 2 litre figure was occasionally mentioned.
Research has shown clearly that
too much water could in fact be bad for you; in depletes the body of essential minerals and so forth. That is to say, to put not too finer point on it (in layperson’s terms), you pee them away. It is called "water intoxication". In non-layman's terms this is hyponatraemia (low salt levels).
Yet you see them everywhere, strolling down the road at a pace, that would not get a rat fit, clutching their water bottles. Again, I have a theory. They are a
linus blanket, a source of comfort rather than liquid. Indeed many is the time I have walked close behind and seen not one sip taken in the course of the exercise.
There is of course the extreme variety of this species – those with a belt of small water bottles, looking not a lot dissimilar to Rambo.
The other myth is of course bottle water is purer than tap water. It is a myth perpetuated by the bottle water industry.
However, it is well established that a pint of water before bed after a night on the jungle juice can help ward off a hangover.