Leaf blowers? Invented, of course, by the devil.
Last Friday, I was subjected to 1.5 hours of leaf blowing around and about my quiet little unit.
The young man had his requisite ear muffs on. Meanwhile, having shut all the windows, I contended with the endless droning. Finally the young man had collected a small insignificant pile of leaves, which he then proceeded to blow for miles down the driveway.
I, to my endless credit and self control, did not go out and make rude suggestions about what could be shoved where. I felt that the kind God who invented the gentle breeze was testing me. I vowed to come forth like pure gold, tried in the fires.
The following morning, as I returned from my training, there he was again, leaf blower in hand, ear muffs on.
I was, I must admit caught a tad off guard. The spiritual aura of the previous day had left me, and I asked him if he intended blow the tiny pile of leaves at his feet down past my unit.
Then I intimated, that if that was his intention - to blow the tiny pile of leaves with the leaf blower on full throttle past my little serene unit ...
I intimated where the leaf blower on full throttle might be shoved.
Brian Edwards sums up my feelings well ...
To add insult to ear injury, I noted that the following day, Sunday, many leafs were back on the drive way.
Leaves do that sort of thing, you know.
Besides the health issues around leaf blowers are well doumented.
And we all know, why it is men who feel the need to grab one of these things ......