Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Six of one, half a dozen of the other

I’m a flip flop voter. It is gonna be tion cossing stuff for me. I can’t make out any real difference between the two big players in Nu Zulun’s election.

National and John Key talk about the literacy and numeracy crisis and seem to suggest that a child saying the alphabet backwards is the key to what good literacy is all about. I can understand counting backwards as a key skill in numeracy setting one up for subtraction and the like. But the alphabet backwards?? I gotta confess I can’t do it at anything but a dawdle.

I do have a friend that can give pi to 100 hundred decimal places. She did it at the dinner table as I tucked into a medium rare.

So talking about maths, how do we differentiate the two parties? Yes, Helen is arrogant and John’s a nice guy …. But neither seems to integrate their policies into a cohesive whole.

From Helen it is all derision and uglification. From John its distraction and sedition (by one M. McCully).

I think I’ll stick with probability theory and toss a coin.

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