She left without so much as a brass razoo. A sad start to Who Wants to be a Millionaire . And a very lonely start to Nu Zulun’s version of WWBM And it wasn’t her fault. She was a bright reasonably intelligent young woman. The questions were ridiculously tough for the first $1000. Her phone-a-friend (a school principle) didn’t know what make the fleet of ministerial cars were. I had a good idea it was BMA, but certainly wasn’t 100% .
Compare the early questions with the Australian or British version of the show. The Australian and British questions were more pedestrian – designed to get most contestants to the $1000 mark. But not old penny pinching TV ONE.
It also had none of the egalitarian feel of the British and Australian shows, where ten people had to compete to get the seat. The old fastest finger first trick. Here, however ,we had one person, chosen by what means we have no idea, groomed for the seat. The second guy was a PHD.
As for Mike Hosking, the guy should stick to interviewing. TV ONE seems to constantly recycle
the same old personalities with their assorted head-dressings. Hosking was certainly not in the league of Chris Tarrant who knows the meaning of “be spontaneous”.
It was of course filmed in Melbourne with a bunch of kiwi expats for the audience – more unadulterated penny pinching.
Compare the early questions with the Australian or British version of the show. The Australian and British questions were more pedestrian – designed to get most contestants to the $1000 mark. But not old penny pinching TV ONE.
It also had none of the egalitarian feel of the British and Australian shows, where ten people had to compete to get the seat. The old fastest finger first trick. Here, however ,we had one person, chosen by what means we have no idea, groomed for the seat. The second guy was a PHD.
As for Mike Hosking, the guy should stick to interviewing. TV ONE seems to constantly recycle

It was of course filmed in Melbourne with a bunch of kiwi expats for the audience – more unadulterated penny pinching.
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