Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Thank you for being a friend ....

A dear friend of mine died the other day.

Richard Denny (on the right in the photo) and my father (left) were workmates and good friends. (Ohh and that's my mum in the middle).

Their friendship was cemented in a strange and painful way.

My father operated one of those huge cranes you see rising out of buildings on a city skyline. One day he was lowering a huge slab of concrete into place.

Richard was helping to guide the slab into position.

Dad was unable to see the concrete slab and relied on the instructions given by various workmates. Sadly there was some misunderstanding.

The concrete slab crushed a number of Richard’s fingers – fingers which he subsequently lost.

The result was a firm friendship between the two men.

Years later, Richard and I became friends. And I found him to be a true gentleman.

He and his wife Yvonne’s home was constantly open to the young people of the church I attended. We spent countless hours there laughing, praying, and eating up a storm.

Richard was a humble servant – always cheerful – who simply did whatever needed to be done.
The list of his endeavours on behalf of others is way too long for this little blog.

Hey, but the nicest thing about this man was his great friendship. For me, that was without a doubt the most important thing about him.

Farewell …..

Friday, August 20, 2010

Oh old friends swapping lies of life and loves ...

Well, the 2nd to last Thursday in August has come around again! And as you all know St Quincy’s Day is once again upon us.

I find St Quincy’s Day  one of the most important celebrations of the calendar years. The only one to really match it is of course St Percival’s day held every September 13.

Now, as you know screeds have been written on the subject and origins of St Quincy’s day and its long associations with long-term male friendship and leek and potato soup.

Suffice it to say, St Quincy’s Day offers yet again the chance to celebrate long-term friendship around plates of steaming hot Cream of Leek and Potato Soup.

Now to make leek and potato soup, you need to first of all take a long leek.

The standard that Archibald Fructus Quincy laid down for “long term friendship” was 30 years or more.
So if you haven't had a friend for at least 30 years, forget your leek and potato soup!

The song old friends (Link)

Playing croquet till its dark old friends mmm old friends
Oh old friends swapping lies of life and loves
Pitching popcorn to the doves old friends …mmm old friends
Old friends looking up to watch the birds
Holdin’ arms to climb a curb old friends… mmm old friends
Old friends Lord when all my work is done
Bless my life and grant me one old friend at least one old friend.”

Written by Roger Miller.

Friday, August 13, 2010

... suicide is painless, It brings on many changes, And I can take or leave it if I please.

It is of course the theme from M*A*S*H.

But it brings me to my most sombre of blog postings.

Bare with me  oops bear with me ... I lost a twin bother to suicide.

The Ministry of Health's policy is that the reporting of suicide is dangerous and I quote:

"Frequent or repetitive reporting of suicide may encourage the public perception that suicide is a reasonable, understandable and common approach to solving life difficulties."

The chief coroner disagrees: and I quote the herald:

"Yesterday, Judge MacLean said he wanted to encourage more openness, public debate and media coverage of the suicide rate - there are on average 10 suicides every week in New Zealand - because this might reduce the number. But he recognised the debate would start with more-detailed reporting of individual suicide cases" (NZ Herald, August 12, 2010).

There were 540 suicides in NZ last year. Way above the road toll.

May I say I think the Ministry's approach is lamentable and medieval. It is totally without foundation in research.

Basically the Ministry are saying "sweep it under the carpet" "out of sight our of mind" and I reply "BOSH!"

Frankly speaking, the ministry's approach is nothing short of damnable.

It is time for a campaign like that of the John Kirwan campaign on depression.

Some psychiatrists agree with the ministry - no wonder our mental health services are in disarray.

The factors around suicide are many and extremely complex.

But no doubt, the key ingredient is that the person is finding that life has become unbearable.

They are experiencing a level of emotional or perhaps physical pain that has become intolerable.

And this is precisely what needs to be addressed.

But it won't be addressed if the Ministry continues down its  misguided path.

Let's start talking about suicide.

As the Queen said:

"Don't try suicide
Nobody's worth it
Don't try suicide
Nobody cares
Don't try suicide
You're just gonna hate it
Don't try suicide
Nobody gives a dam"

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Baby when the lights go out, I'll show you what it's all about

It is finally a sunny day in Aucklun, Nu Zulun with an almost clear blue sky.

The sun is shining and it made me think of one of the most serious threats we face making so-called anthropogenic global warming fade by comparison.

You may of may not be aware of a recent increase in solar flares. These coincide with an increasing number of sunspots.

Well, there is also such a thing as a solar storm - the mother, if you will of all solar flares. With these storms there are Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). These things hurtle through space to wards the earth at millions of miles per hour.

Back in 1859 there was such a storm which paralysed telegraph machines.

The CME took 18 hours to reach the earth.

Such a storm today could have a disastrous effect on all our electric systems and repairs would take months if not year. Transformers blown to kingdom come.

In the words of the immortal Frazer form Dad's Army : We're doooomed I tell you, .... we're all dooomed!"

The sun works on an eleven year cycle of solar minimums and solar maximums. The next solar maximum is 2012.

It is sobering to think on just how dependent we are on electricity and just how little we are prepared to survive without it compared to our ancestors.

Will the lights go out in 2012 and not come back for months?