Friday, August 20, 2010

Oh old friends swapping lies of life and loves ...

Well, the 2nd to last Thursday in August has come around again! And as you all know St Quincy’s Day is once again upon us.

I find St Quincy’s Day  one of the most important celebrations of the calendar years. The only one to really match it is of course St Percival’s day held every September 13.

Now, as you know screeds have been written on the subject and origins of St Quincy’s day and its long associations with long-term male friendship and leek and potato soup.

Suffice it to say, St Quincy’s Day offers yet again the chance to celebrate long-term friendship around plates of steaming hot Cream of Leek and Potato Soup.

Now to make leek and potato soup, you need to first of all take a long leek.

The standard that Archibald Fructus Quincy laid down for “long term friendship” was 30 years or more.
So if you haven't had a friend for at least 30 years, forget your leek and potato soup!

The song old friends (Link)

Playing croquet till its dark old friends mmm old friends
Oh old friends swapping lies of life and loves
Pitching popcorn to the doves old friends …mmm old friends
Old friends looking up to watch the birds
Holdin’ arms to climb a curb old friends… mmm old friends
Old friends Lord when all my work is done
Bless my life and grant me one old friend at least one old friend.”

Written by Roger Miller.

1 comment:

terry said...

yep friends are good