Friday, August 13, 2010

... suicide is painless, It brings on many changes, And I can take or leave it if I please.

It is of course the theme from M*A*S*H.

But it brings me to my most sombre of blog postings.

Bare with me  oops bear with me ... I lost a twin bother to suicide.

The Ministry of Health's policy is that the reporting of suicide is dangerous and I quote:

"Frequent or repetitive reporting of suicide may encourage the public perception that suicide is a reasonable, understandable and common approach to solving life difficulties."

The chief coroner disagrees: and I quote the herald:

"Yesterday, Judge MacLean said he wanted to encourage more openness, public debate and media coverage of the suicide rate - there are on average 10 suicides every week in New Zealand - because this might reduce the number. But he recognised the debate would start with more-detailed reporting of individual suicide cases" (NZ Herald, August 12, 2010).

There were 540 suicides in NZ last year. Way above the road toll.

May I say I think the Ministry's approach is lamentable and medieval. It is totally without foundation in research.

Basically the Ministry are saying "sweep it under the carpet" "out of sight our of mind" and I reply "BOSH!"

Frankly speaking, the ministry's approach is nothing short of damnable.

It is time for a campaign like that of the John Kirwan campaign on depression.

Some psychiatrists agree with the ministry - no wonder our mental health services are in disarray.

The factors around suicide are many and extremely complex.

But no doubt, the key ingredient is that the person is finding that life has become unbearable.

They are experiencing a level of emotional or perhaps physical pain that has become intolerable.

And this is precisely what needs to be addressed.

But it won't be addressed if the Ministry continues down its  misguided path.

Let's start talking about suicide.

As the Queen said:

"Don't try suicide
Nobody's worth it
Don't try suicide
Nobody cares
Don't try suicide
You're just gonna hate it
Don't try suicide
Nobody gives a dam"


Anonymous said...
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Frank said...
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Ken (your twin brother) said...

yep suicide is a bummer