Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Nice and easy does it every time ....

It takes to me almost two weeks to unwind into the summer holidays. Now, I am at the stage where I can curl up (as they say) with a good book and a Sandwich and not feel that I "should be" doing something productive (somewhere, somehow).

In my late-middle-age, history has become my penchant.

I just been sailing with Jamie Cook on his three epic voyages. Didn't even get sea sick (unlike Joseph Banks).

It's a good time for catching up on some training - fortunately the weight did not ballooooooon over the foistive season.

In this new year, I have ENDEAVOURED to make no RESOLUTIONS .... Captain my Captain.

I am due back at work late January.  I am not the sort to arrive back "all at once". Too much of a shock! (I go back in pieces - usually the brain is last of all)

(To many forgotten passwords and door codes).

I shall ease back in (as in the shallow end of the pool).  A few hours here, a few hours there - gradually upping the ante.

Thus by January's end, hopefully I will have once again acculturated (call it rewinding).

1 comment:

Nick said...

I see Dugard (the author of the james Cook book)is a fellow runner!
