ing is a ritual – one that connects my brain with my body, and my body to the good earth under my feet and the wind in my face. It connects me to a sense of rhythm. Not just the rhythm in the run, but the rhythms of one run to the next. Running enables in Joseph Campbell’s words, the “harmonization of our lives with the order of nature”. Of course walking does the same thing and cycling.
But it is not the running or walking or cycling on
those frightful things in gyms! What a metaphor they for the mechanization of modern life.
Some runners have lost the plot. They carry every kind of technical instrument with them to get feedback on their bodies. Whatever happened to simply being in tune with the body!

And while I am on it, why do some runners and many walkers have to grip on to all those water bottles? Do they serious think they are going to dehydrate in 1 hour? Fair enough in the desert, but not in the mild manner weather of Nu Zulun.
So come on folks. I call for minimalism in running.

Shorts and t-shirt, shoes and socks and a key in your pocket.
And we run because we like it through the broad bright land.
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