Wednesday, November 5, 2008

To fall in love again and we did then …

It’s the big day in America. Has America fallen in love again as in those halcyon Kennedy days? I suspect so. I suspect a bit of a landslide on this Super Tuesday in the States. Obama is an orator you see, and God knows we need one after eight mind numbing years of foot-in-the-mouth Bush.

Clearly, Obama has sat at the feet of the African American Baptist preacher and learnt his trade and learnt it damned well. It is what we lack in New Zealand – the politician-orator. Listen to Clark and Key. Combined they have plumbed, mined and excavated new depths of boredom and monotony. Who needs sleeping pills when a leaders’ debate is on? But when this man Obama speaks, people are mesmerised.

I know what I am talking about folks. You are looking at the Northcote College senior public speaking champion two years running, and president of the debating society.

Obama is about as good as they get. And frankly, it scares me a smidgen – just a tad.

If the United States should last for a thousand years, this could be a fine hour! Or then maybe, just maybe, it could be twilight time.

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